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On the basis of the study of a given subject of the project "the Research and Development of Tongsaimai Pills" of the 863 Program and in combination with the characteristics of Chinese patent drugs this article investigates the study thought and method of the secondary development of Chinese patent drugs with brand name and high quality from the following aspects: the study of prescription dismantlement; the method for the extraction and separation of effective material fundamentals of drugs, the identification of effective material fundamentals; the separation, analysis and i-dentification of the components of effective material fundamentals; the correlationship between fingerprints and their results, the change in the constitution of process in vivo of effective materials and their target, the integrate and coordi-native mechanisms of the multi - link and multi - target of compound prescriptions; and the study on the recombination of the system of compound prescriptions of modern Chinese medicine. It may have a given guiding role in the study of the seconday development of Chinese patent drugs with brand name and high quality at present.
国家863计划“创新药物与中药现代化”重大专项课题(2003AA2Z3247)通塞脉微丸的研究与开发,负责人:狄留庆;江苏省自然基金项目 (BK2005150)通塞脉微丸有效部位群指纹图谱谱效相关性研究,负责人:狄留庆;江苏省科技厅“十五”重大科技攻关项目(BK2001209)通塞脉片复方活性部位群及其药效学研究课题,负责人:蔡宝昌。