目的 采用可视化分析对彝族医药的研究情况进行回顾性总结,并阐释彝族医药传承与发展现状。方法 本文综合传统文献研究法、信息学方法与田野调查,从学术文献发表、古籍整理与现代书籍出版、政策扶持与学科建设、传承保护等多个角度,对彝族医药研究发展现状进行了归纳。结果 目前,彝族医药在中医药现代化大背景下稳步发展,具体表现为文献发表量逐年增长、古籍整理日益完善、学科建设继续加强、传承保护受到重视等方面。但也存在体系不完善、人才缺乏、知名度不高、资源整合度较低、研究层次尚浅等明显问题。结论 未来,加大挖掘整理及发扬发展彝族医药力度,重视人才培养,加强深层次的研究和探讨,尤其是亟需强化应用型研究,使彝医药真正走上产业化发展的快速通道,是彝医药现代化的必经之路。
[Key word]
Yi medicine is the wisdom crystallization of yi ethnic’s long-term struggle against disease and nature, and is an important part of Chinese Traditional Medicine. This study combined traditional literature research method, informatics method and field investigation to summarize the development of Yi ethnic group medicine research from the perspective of academic literature publication, literature research, policy support and discipline construction, inheritance and protection, etc. At present, under the background of the modernization of traditional Chinese Traditional Medicine, Yi ethnic medicine is developing steadily, which is manifested in the increasing number of published literature, the increasing arrangement of ancient literature, the continuous strengthening of discipline construction, and the attention paid to inheritance and protection of traditional medical knowledge. However, there are also obvious problems, such as incomplete theory system, lac of talents, low visibility, low integration of resources and shallow research level. In the future, it is the important way to modernize Yi medicine based on further exploration, reorganization and development of Yi medicine. Attention should be paid to talent training, strengthen in-depth research, especially the urgent need to applied research, so that Yi medicine can really onto the rapid path of industrialization development.