摘要:目的:基于数据挖掘技术对兼具抗炎抗肿瘤作用的清热类中药的药性、归经、活性成分进行分析,归纳总结此类中药的药物特性。方法:以《中药学》(中国中医药出版社第十版)为药物数据来源,对其中66味清热药进行以炎 * 中药名或(炎 + 肿瘤)* 中药名以及 inflammation * name of traditional Chinese medicine or (inflammation + tumor)* name of traditional Chinese medicine在中国知网和PubMed文献库中进行文献检索,在Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform(TCMSP)数据库中筛选药物活性成分。结果:66味清热药(不包含附药)中有58味中药具有抗炎作用,有53味中药具有抗肿瘤作用,有48味中药同时具有抗炎及抗肿瘤作用。三组药物在性味上都以苦、甘、辛味为主,在归经上都以肝、胃、肺、心、大肠经为主,且三组药物性味归经分布上具有高度相似性。在TCMSP数据库中运用“类药五原则”对抗炎抗肿瘤药物进行活性成分筛选,共筛选出1041种活性成分数据,删除掉重复项后最终获得798种活性成分。排名前三的活性成分分别为Luteolin、Kaempferol、Acacetin。结论:清热类中药中具有抗炎和抗肿瘤作用的中药具有高度重合性,对炎-癌转化疾病的药物研究及临床遣方用药具有重要指导意义。
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Abstract:Objective: Based on data mining, the properties and channel conversion of traditional Chinese medicine with anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects in heat-clearing medicine were analyzed. To find out the drug characteristics of this kind of Chinese herbs. Methods: Taking Traditional Chinese Medicine (10th Edition of China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press) as the drug data source, 66 heat-clearing herbs were searched in the literature database of CNKI and PubMed of inflammation * TCM or (inflammation + tumor) * TCM. The active ingredients were analyzed in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP). Results: Among the 66 heat-clearing drugs (excluding adjunct drugs), 58 herbs had anti-inflammatory effects, 53 herbs had anti-tumor effects, and 48 herbs had both anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects. The three groups of drugs were mainly bitter, sweet and pungent in five flavors, and were mainly liver, stomach, lung, heart and large intestine in meridian affinity. Five flavors and meridian affinity were highly similar. In the TCMSP, the "five principles of drug class" were used to screen the active ingredients of anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor drugs. A total of 1041 active ingredient data were screened, and 798 active ingredient data were screened after duplicate items were deleted. Top three active ingredients were Luteolin, Kaempferol and Acacetin. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of five flavors、meridian affinity and active ingredients of heat-clearing medicine, this study found that the anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects of these Chinese herbs are highly overlapping, which is of great significance for the research and treatment of cancer.