目的 对于临床研究中湿证的诊断标准进行分析比较并构建湿证症状池,为湿证相关量表的研制提供理论支持,进而为临床研究提供参考。方法 通过检索1960年-2023年被中国知网、维普及万方数据库收录的文献,查找并筛选出湿证临床研究文献,对湿证诊断标准进行归纳分析。结果 从上述数据库中检索出文7651篇,最终纳入52篇,结合教材筛选得出诊断标准9种,分别为《中医临床诊疗术语证候部分》(中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T16751.2-1997)《证素辨证学》《中医证候规范》《中医证候鉴别诊断学》《中医诊断学》(第五版、第六版、新世纪第二版、人卫版、全国高等中医药院校规划教材第十版)。诊断方式可以分为叙述法、主次症(或见症)分级诊断法、赋分法3种。症状组成共有36个,可分为蕴积肌腠组、痹阻经络骨节组、内蕴脏腑组和湿邪蒙窍组4组,《中医临床诊疗术语证候部分》(中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T16751.2-1997)被引用次数最多为22次,覆盖病种16个。结论 《中医临床诊疗术语证候部分》在临床研究中应用最广泛,2021年新版国标更适用于目前湿证诊断与临床研究。
[Key word]
Objective To analyze and compare the diagnostic criteria of dampness syndrome in clinical studies and construct a dampness syndrome symptom pool, so as to provide theoretical support for the development of dampness-related scales, and then provide reference for clinical research. Methods By searching the literature collected by CNKI and VIP Wanfang data database from 1960 to 2023, the clinical research literature of dampness syndrome was searched and screened, and the diagnostic criteria of dampness syndrome were summarized and analyzed. Results A total of 7651 articles were retrieved from the above database, and 54 articles were finally included. 9 diagnostic criteria were obtained by combining the screening of teaching materials. They are "The National Standard of Chinese Medicine Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Chinese Medicine" (GB/T16751.2-1997), "Syndrome element differentiation" and so on. The diagnostic methods can be divided into three kinds: narrative method, primary and secondary disease (or see disease) classification diagnosis method, and assigning method. There are a total of 36 symptom components, which can be divided into four groups: the accumulation of muscle and striae group, the obstruction of meridians and joints group, the internal accumulation of organs group, and the dampness and obstruction of orifices group. The National Standard of Chinese Medicine Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Chinese Medicine" (GB/T16751.2-1997) has been cited for a maximum of 22 times, covering 18 diseases. Conclusion " The National Standard of Chinese Medicine Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Chinese Medicine " is the most widely used in clinical research, and the new version of national standard in 2021 is more suitable for the current diagnosis and clinical research of dampness syndrome.
1.国家自然科学基金青年基金,81603504,基于最小重要差异值(MID)的冠心病病证结合疗效评价量表中医临床疗效判定阈值研究,项目负责人:陈智慧2.辽宁省自然科学基金,2022-NLTS-13-05,医患报告结局(C-PRO)相结合的冠心病中医智能临床决策与疗效评价模式研究,项目负责人:陈智慧。3.沈阳市科技局,RC230077,2023年沈阳市中青年科技创新人才培育专项,基于CNN等多种机器学习算法的痰瘀互结证诊断量表及其量化诊断模型的研制与评价研究, 项目负责人:陈智慧