[Key word]
MicroRNA (miRNA), an important type of non-coding RNAs existing widely in viruses and eukaryotes, regulate gene expression at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Recent studies have demonstrated that plant miRNAs could enter microorganisms, animals and human bodies to affect their physiological and pathological processes by cross-kingdom regulation of gene expression. This review summarized the current knowledge of cross-kingdom regulation of gene expression by plant miRNAs, introduced the research progress in intervention of human diseases with plant miRNAs, including anti-virus, anti-tumor, anti-inflammation, immune regulation, anti-fatigue, anti-fibrosis, vascular protection, nerve protection, etc., and analyzed the reasons why plant miRNAs remain stable in vivo and in vitro and the underlying mechanisms how they regulate human gene expression. Furthermore, the impact of cross-kingdom regulation by plant miRNAs on exploring new active ingredients of traditional Chinese herbs and elucidating their pharmacology were evaluated. Finally, "constructing the complex regulatory network of traditional Chinese medicine miRNAs in human body" and "exploring new mechanisms of gene expression regulation by traditional Chinese medicine miRNAs" were pointed out, which were two scientific problems worthy of further investigation.
国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目 (82074144):从3,29-二苯甲酰基栝楼仁二醇抑制胶原沉积与过度交联改善胃癌微环境的作用揭示祖国医学“从痰论治肿瘤”思想的科学内涵;内蒙古自治区教育厅高等学校科技创新团队项目(NMGIRT2327):中西医结合抗肿瘤新药研发团队;内蒙古自然科学基金委员会杰出青年培育项目(2021JQ09):从化痰中药天南星中的低聚肽抑制胶原重构的作用阐释“从痰论治肿瘤”思想的科学内涵。